
What is City, Green, Go! project?

City, Green, Go! is a 2-year-long project, financed by the Erasmus+ program, that aims to promote health-enhancing physical activities in urban settings, while encouraging citizens to live an environmentally conscious life.

Did you know that 46% of Europeans never exercise or play sport, and the proportion has increased gradually in recent years? And what about the prognosis, that by 2050 more than 68% of European citizens will live in urban settings and thus will be exposed to city-related health hazards like physical inactivity? And speaking about the future, we need to focus on environmental sustainability right now, so that we will have livable spaces, natural and urban environment.

City, Green, Go! will tap into the opportunities that urban settings provide relevant stakeholders – sports and environmental organizations, local authorities and companies – with a Directory to increase the sport and PA levels and the environmental awareness of the urban population.

Meet our partners

The project is coordinated by the Budapest Sport Service Provider Nonprofit Ltd. City, Green, Go! is managed by a Consortium composed of the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (Isinnova), a research organization who aims to move towards more sustainable policies, Sport and Citizenship, a European Think tank which advocates for the integration of sport and physical activity as a cross-cutting tool for public policies, SandSi (Sport and Sustainability International) an NGO which aims to accelerate sustainability in and through sport, the International Sport and Culture association (ISCA) a global umbrella association that is open to organisations working within the field of recreational sports and physical activity for all. The partnership is supported by the associated partner of the Budapest Municipality.


Financial support

Implementing partners

Associated partner



Our consortium of expert partners from different sectors will develop a Directory that guides a wide range of stakeholders (municipalities, sports federations, clubs, environmental organizations, companies, educational institutions etc.) to work together to raise citizens’ physical activity levels and environment-consciousness at the same time.

The Directory will be partly based on related good practices that have been collected in the framework of the project. The City, Green, Go! Good Practice Collection and Research Report are also available among the resources.

The Directory will also contain a guide on how to spread environmental messages at sites of urban sports and will share useful resources developed by similar projects. Itineraries of online and onsite workshops will be developed and tested as well. These will be guidance on how to run workshops that use the Directory.

Let’s work together

For more information about City, Green, GO! please fill out the form and we will be happy to answer all your questions.